About Us

Youth With A Vision (YWAV) is an NGO borne out of a deep desire to infuse a sense of purpose and direction in the youth of Nigeria. It is upon this foundation that YWAV has decided to take up the challenge by bringing a message of hope to the young people.  YWAV strongly believes that in carrying out its assignment of empowering the young people, it will have a huge impact upon their lives and the society at large. The youth takes a huge portion of the population of any nation. Therefore, no nation can attain a glorious height that neglects her young people. Our goal as an NGO is to empower the youth to unleash their God-given potentials so they can discover their “true selves” and "abilities" to be able to achieve their “destiny” in life.

Vision: To empower youths that will make a difference in the society.

Mission: To assist, educate, train and mentor the youth to discover and unleash their potential.

Our Objectives

  • To assist the standard of living of the less privileged youth
  • To promote, protect the image, welfare, and interests of the youth in our society
  • To engage in wealth creation, teaching the youth the principles of wealth creation, investments and basic financial management
  • To help the youth to start-up small scale businesses that can alleviate unemployment.
  • To engage in leadership development by helping the youth to harness and unleash their leadership potentials.
  • To motivate and inspire the youth through training, coaching and mentoring to unleash their maximum potentials.
  • To imbibe the culture of taking personal responsibility in our youth so they can fully utilize their God-given talents.
  • To uplift the youth spiritually, socially, morally, and emotionally.
  • To encourage the youth to shun violence, terrorism, crime, and thus, become patriotic citizens with passion for Nigeria.
  • To infuse in the mind of our youth the importance of having a vision in life. For it has been said, “Where there is no vision the people perish”.

Core Values:

  • Patriotism
  • Leadership
  • Integrity
  • Diligence
  • Respect

ywav…raising visionary leaders!